NN Life Insurance
Art Direction
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Age is not a number

Like many other brands, NN Insurance Romania brought some youth at Electric Castle Festival, Romania. The only difference is that their youth is not measured in years, but in spirit:
The Pensioners' Gang at Electric Castle Festival.
Photo: VICE Romania
"Well, the group of elderly people that I met at Electric Castle kicked me on the back. They inspired me. They came to festival  with support of NN Romania, which has proposed to help them experienced at pension the things they loved when they were young. And they still love it now. Passion does not change with age. If you don't want to give up at your passions in retirement, you need to concern yourself about that in advance. Even when you're young. Because if you have this bug with music and entertainment, there are small chances to take it out of your system when you retire.  And look and bright side: when you retire you'll have all the time, no calls from work, no stress." / Marius Ghent, VICE Romania
Full article here.

Photos: Skepsis
